Heidi Makes A Podcast! Podcast! Podcast!
Heidi Makes A Podcast! Podcast! Podcast!
Episode 19--Post-Election Relief & Responding to Listener Comments
Heidi and Paul discuss their experience of the election-that-wouldn't-end... their immense relief to have the sociopath-in-chief be gone... and they read and respond to listener comments about becoming "Hope-free."
To join "Creating Islands of Sanity" private fb group-in-process: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1039749833155581/about/
References: (links coming soon)
Youtuber discussion about the wrongness Flat Earthers are sensing.
Noam Chomsky on it being 3 minutes to midnight.
Maria Bamford bit on giving up sugar!! (I FOUND IT!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qhARSaCko8
Generative somatics--and adrienne marie brown on the need to listen to bodily knowing, to bring that wisdom into social activism.
Living resilience website resources (psychotherapy for climate grief that allows us to integrate difficult emotions; Catherine Ingram, friend of the late Leonard Cohen, on the near-impossibility for parents not to be in denial).
Emergence magazine article--acknowledging that countless other peoples have faced the ends of their worlds--and the wisdom and strength we can learn from that.
Philosophy tube and the (weirdly similar) cultural forces Confucius faced.
Bayo Akomolafe discussing the need for "when urgency is great, to slow down", the vitality and agency and centrality of the world ("Human beings are not all that"), the virus not as enemy but as messenger, and the post-activist task of shapeshifting, unlearning whiteness & more--all on "Rune Soup" podcast.
Widespread Panic
Marc Maron
Tom Waits
Natalie Merchant