Heidi Makes A Podcast! Podcast! Podcast!
Heidi Makes A Podcast! Podcast! Podcast!
(Special) Episode 18--"It's Too Late For Hope": Facing the End of the World with Courage & Compassion
In this pre-election Special Episode, Heidi and Paul are inspired to have a special discussion after hearing a life-changing episode of (of course) another podcast. (One in which the guest was the prophetic and impassioned activist Meg Wheatley; full interview with her linked below.)
Heidi and Paul, in a surprisingly cheery discussion, explore signs of societal and ecological collapse, and how impossible it has become to keep pretending that everything is magically going to be okay. They talk about the burden of (unrealistic) hope, the liberation of acknowledging difficult truths, and getting comfortable with despair--together, with other likeminded thinkers and fellow tenderhearts.
How do we face all this with courage and wholeheartedness??? How do help carry this impossible burden, and be of service and compassion during truly bleak and devastating times???
Also explored are ways to cope with a potentially disastrous outcome to the US 2020 Prez election.
TW: brief mentions of suicidal ideation.
To visit/ join the "Creating Islands of Sanity" fb group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1039749833155581/about/
Simple, brief explanation of polyvagal theory basics.
Meg Wheatley on the Coaches Rising podcast.
Joanna Macy about making our way through the inevitable breakdown. (The "Great Turning" we had sought is now lost, beyond reach.)
Daniel Kahneman on the un-understandability of the world.
Kim Stanley Robinson on the link between the stock market and physical resources.
Kim Stanley Robinson on the need to try.
Stuart Stevens declaring that the Republican party has abandoned all its values, exists solely to elect Reps.
Ta-Nehisi Coates on Ezra Klein's podcast feeling slightly hopeful.
Ta-Nehisi Coates on Stephen Colbert's show "It's not my job to give you hope."
On: climate models converging (neither worst nor best).
On: it's likely already too late to avert climate catastrophes.
On: collapse of civilization is most likely outcome.
FB post in which our local legislature (John Gannon) discussed violent conservative protestors being prosecuted differently from entirely peaceful liberal/ LGBTQ activists.
~Pixabay artist Alltagtouristin.
~Heidi Juniper performs an original piano composition by Jared Bernotski. (Hear this and more of Jared's work, here.