Heidi Makes A Podcast! Podcast! Podcast!
Heidi Makes A Podcast! Podcast! Podcast!
Episode 14--Beginning a New Challenge!
After a long (unplanned) break, Heidi gets on the mic to describe where she's at, what she's been thinking and feeling--(for ex, "Are people way, way worse than I had always thought?!")--along with where she's hoping to go with the podcast, as she... ((drumroll))...
<<<Embarks on an Ambitious 30-day Challenge!!!>>>
(With segues into cognitive psychology and concepts such as "naive realism", "the end of history illusion" and "motivated reasoning" along with insights from Schultz's eye-opening book "Being Wrong"... questions like how much credit/ blame people deserve for how they are and what they believe... and a multitude of other deep thoughts and complex feelings.)
Click here to link to the blogging challenge that inspired Heidi's self-imposed podcasting challenge. (Heidi's mentioned in Cath's post!) https://cathshaw1974.wixsite.com/cathshaw/post/courage-over-comfort-show-up-be-seen-answer-the-call
*Episode posted on Heidi & Paul's 19th wedding anniversary.*